Sunday, August 29, 2010

I miss you, terribly.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

just the way I'm suppose to be

I miss you. 
I miss you 
so much 
right now.
It hurt to
see you
leave, yes.
But I had

just seen
you. And
it's been
two days 
now. & I
want to see
you again.

just do not
do it justice 
for me.
Seeing you 
in person
makes my

heart beat
rush with 
all haste. 
Never have 
I felt so short 
of breath, as
I am when I
stand in the
same room 
as you are in.
& I hate that 
we do not 
speak. I hate 
to leave you 
and know 
that I haven't 
touched you. 
Maybe by 
seeing me,
you are touched.
I hope so. But oh,
if I could steal 
your lips I 
would. I would 
take them with 
me, everywhere 
I go. I just want 
to follow you
around. Be where
you are. Go where 
you go. I hate when 
I cannot see you. 
But what's worse 
is I never know
when I will see you 
again. Hope that it's 
soon lingers in my 
soul. But doubt
creeps in and I 
wonder, if it is so? 
Or just an abandoned
hope. I wish you were
reading this. I wish I 
could tell you, that I 
miss you. But more 
than that, I love you. 
Please find me again, soon.
And do not hesitate to speak.