Saturday, April 3, 2010

a reply to someone's blog post..

A reply to Moon Face. I thought it was a pretty response and decided to share it. I love my poetic posts of thought.
I've never thought about watching movies when it rains. Usually I just sit on the computer and make graphics. And mostly, write a song about it. I have like 4,000 songs that speak about the rain. And/or mention it somewhere. (well not that many, but you know what I mean. A ridiculously large amount) But that's an interesting idea. If I ever get bored on a rainy day (which is not likely to happen) then I shall watch a movie, and I'll tell you what I watch. If I ever purposely sit down to watch a movie on a rainy day. I love days like that. When you're not expecting it but you wake up to the dim lighted sky and the sound of water trickling on the plants beside your window. & suddenly when you're aware of what you hear, a car rushes by and makes a huge announcement by splashing the water against it's wheels. And tells you that you need to wake up and enjoy the day. Ahh.. Love days like that.

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